Looking to provide a loan to a family member or friend?


Our property team is ready to make sure your loan is enforceable and properly secured.
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How long does it take?

Usually between two to six weeks

Who's Involved?

  • You and your lawyer
  • The borrower and their lawyer or conveyancer

What's the process?

Initial steps

We'll catch up to discuss your plans. Often family loans are not properly documented and we'll go over exactly why it's important to get the paperwork in check. Once we've given you some advice and you're ready to proceed, we'll verify your identity, prepare the required loan documents and the paperwork required so we are authorised to proceed, and do some due diligence to check the title and make sure you understand just how your loan will be secured. 

We'll often suggest that the borrower obtains their own advice regarding the documents. Once everyone is content to proceed, we'll make sure the loan documents are properly signed and the mortgage is ready to be registered.

Settlement and advancing the loan

We will make sure that the mortgage is properly registered and we strongly suggest that this occur before, or at the same time, as the loan advance is made. We can also coordinate advancing the funds on your behalf, if you'd like.

After the loan has been advanced

We'll give you the details you need to manage any repayments required during the term of the mortgage. We'll also suggest that you review your will and make sure that it is up-to-date and properly reflects your wishes now that you have made the loan. We can help with this too.

We'll normally retain control of the title on your behalf for the duration of the mortgage as security for the loan.

What to have in order

  • full name and contact details of the borrower.
  • Details of where the borrower's title is held (or if it is to help fund a purchase- a copy of the contract).
  • Your original identification documents (passport and driver's licence).
  • Some details about how long the loan term will be and what interest rate is proposed.
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Our Mortgages Team

Meagan Compton
Rebecca Alexander
Shaun Moloney
Grace Spokes
Ashleigh Goodwin
Nicholas Lenehan-Anderson
David Johnson
Tracie Lawrence
Peta Henderson
Kelly Herschell
Kristy Absalom
Lauren Mayer